Tim Moylan (9:33:05am)
Driver Tim Moylan
Class IC 200mm Sedan
Transponder 6607325
Session Time Date: November 6, 2024 (Wednesday)
Start: 9:33:05am
End: 9:54:50am
Length of Session: 21:45
Num Laps 48
Fastest Lap 19.880
Top 3 Consec 59.695
Averages Avg: 22.131
Top 5: 19.946
Top 10: 20.262
Top 15: 20.459
Std Deviation: 10.152
Consistency: 54.129%
Valid Lap Range 0 to 59:59
(lap times outside of this range are maked as "invalid")
Lap Times
Lap 1: 28.131      S1: 28.131      S2: 0.000
Lap 2: 26.389      S1: 26.389      S2: 0.000
Lap 3: 24.496      S1: 24.496      S2: 0.000
Lap 4: 47.352*      S1: 24.426      S2: 0.000
Lap 5: 24.426      S1: 27.607      S2: 0.000
Lap 6: 27.607      S1: 21.928      S2: 0.000
Lap 7: 21.928      S1: 27.668      S2: 0.000
Lap 8: 27.668      S1: 21.874      S2: 0.000
Lap 9: 21.874      S1: 22.761      S2: 0.000
Lap 10: 41.919*      S1: 23.410      S2: 0.000
Lap 11: 22.761      S1: 22.612      S2: 0.000
Lap 12: 23.41      S1: 22.148      S2: 0.000
Lap 13: 22.612      S1: 22.767      S2: 0.000
Lap 14: 22.148      S1: 22.084      S2: 0.000
Lap 15: 22.767      S1: 21.931      S2: 0.000
Lap 16: 35.355*      S1: 21.405      S2: 0.000
Lap 17: 22.084      S1: 21.113      S2: 0.000
Lap 18: 21.931      S1: 21.133      S2: 0.000
Lap 19: 21.405      S1: 20.870      S2: 0.000
Lap 20: 21.113      S1: 21.038      S2: 0.000
Lap 21: 21.133      S1: 20.789      S2: 0.000
Lap 22: 20.87      S1: 21.879      S2: 0.000
Lap 23: 21.038      S1: 21.054      S2: 0.000
Lap 24: 20.789      S1: 21.019      S2: 0.000
Lap 25: 21.879      S1: 20.847      S2: 0.000
Lap 26: 78.969*      S1: 21.458      S2: 0.000
Lap 27: 21.054      S1: 22.110      S2: 0.000
Lap 28: 21.019      S1: 21.002      S2: 0.000
Lap 29: 20.847      S1: 22.886      S2: 0.000
Lap 30: 21.458
Lap 31: 22.11      S1: 0.000      S2: 0.000
Lap 32: 21.002      S1: 20.891      S2: 0.000
Lap 33: 22.886      S1: 21.991      S2: 0.000
Lap 34: 20.762      S1: 24.492      S2: 0.000
Lap 35: 20.479      S1: 21.366      S2: 0.000
Lap 36: 20.891      S1: 20.872      S2: 0.000
Lap 37: 21.991      S1: 20.709      S2: 0.000
Lap 38: 24.492      S1: 27.959      S2: 0.000
Lap 39: 21.366      S1: 21.105      S2: 0.000
Lap 40: 20.872      S1: 20.892      S2: 0.000
Lap 41: 20.709      S1: 21.283      S2: 0.000
Lap 42: 27.959      S1: 20.125      S2: 0.000
Lap 43: 39.139*      S1: 20.533      S2: 0.000
Lap 44: 21.105      S1: 20.403      S2: 0.000
Lap 45: 20.892      S1: 19.911      S2: 0.000
Lap 46: 21.283      S1: 19.880      S2: 0.000
Lap 47: 20.125      S1: 19.921      S2: 0.000
Lap 48: 20.533      S1: 19.894      S2: 0.000
Lap 49: 20.403
Lap 50: 19.911
Lap 51: 19.88
Lap 52: 19.921
Lap 53: 19.894
* indicates an invalid lap (not counted in stats)
Lap-by-Lap Graph
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